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veranoa hetet

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Atiawa
Master Weaver

Weaver Veranoa Hetet grew up in a family of artists. Toi Maori is part of her DNA.

Veranoas father, Rangi Hetet, is a master carver. Veranoas great great grandmother Te Rongopamamao, great grandmother Rangimarie, great aunt Diggeress Te Kanawa, and mother
Erenora Puketapu-Hetet were all renowned Maori weavers.

Veranoa learnt rāranga, tāniko and whatu kākahu from her mother at a young age. From her father she learnt tukutuku and kowhaiwhai.

Over the past 35 years, Veranoa has taught weaving to many and has traveled widely - weaving
with harakeke that grows in the far corners of the world.

She is a full time weaver and teacher of weaving for The Hetet School of Maori Art. Much of her
work is in public and private collections. Her kaitaka huaki 'Pouhine' can be seen annually when
presented to the New Zealander of the Year.

Veranoa and her husband Sam Hauwaho (a full time Carver) live in Waiwhetū. Their five children have all been immersed in ngā toi Māori and are all creative and artistic. Their mokopuna will, no doubt, be the same. It's a part of their DNA too.

Veranoa’s mantra is "I weave. I breathe”

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